Saturday 9 April 2011

Why have I started a blog?

Good question glad you asked.

Back in January I entered Etape Du Dales a proper hard Cyclo Sportive in the Yorkshire Dales, 112miles of riding up & down hills.  I've done it a couple of times in the past, my best time was in 2008 when I rode it with fellow Huddersfield Star Wheeler Paul Smith in a time of 7hours 20mins.  Not a bad time but I reckon I could go faster so I thought I'd have another crack this year.

About a month ago a post popped up on a popular Cycling forum Veloriders from Professional Cyclist & Eurosport commentator Tony Gibb wanting volunteers who were riding Etape to go down to London to do some testing before receiving some training plans to help them complete the ride in the fastest time.

Never one to pass up an opportunity for some free stuff I obviously replied straight away & as I had the following week off work & was able to get down to that London for some testing at Tony's Sports Performance clinic 76 Harley Street

As a reward for all this free coaching, testing etc I will be writing this blog & probably tweeting facebooking that kinda thing.

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