Friday 15 April 2011

Man with a plan

Got my results from the VO2 testing & I did OK with a figure of 53.9 which is pretty good apparently, I found this on the BBC site which give an explanation of what VO2 max is & how they work it out.  I've now got my training plans for the next 4-5 weeks from Tony & the guys at 76 Harley Street & I'll be going in for re-testing on May 9th to see if I've made any improvements before the big event.

The sessions I've been given look hard but doable & not a right lot different to the sort of stuff I do normally but there are a few differences.  For instance I'll still be doing the chain gangs from the 3 Nuns, Cooper Bridge on Tuesdays but I've been instructed to ride in bigger gears, with an extra bottle on & a bit less pressure in my tyres.  I've noticed what look like some fairly horrendous looking interval sessions were I have to do efforts in my biggest gear 53-12,

Tony obviously thinks I am a bit weak & that I need more POWER!!  He's not far wrong I tend to ride in pretty low gears most of the time it won't do me any harm to work on my strength, it'll probably help in my road racing too.

That's it for now I'll update me blog after the Brian Robinson Challenge, a 75 mile Sportive organised by Ravensthorpe CC's Martyn Bolt, loads of Star Wheelers are riding so should be a good do.

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